punisher family death scene daredevil

As Castle prepared to take the stand in the courtroom, he was approached by Roy Olsky who informed him that Wilson Fisk had information about who killed his family, information he would only get if he was sent to Ryker's Island. Rawlins proceeded to kick Castle in anger and knocked him unconscious. By the end of the fourth episode, his law firm, Nelson and Murdock, was representing Frank Castle and defended his mass gang killings in what was billed as the "trial of the century.". Working early in the morning, Castle was confronted again by Lance and all his friends, regarding him working late nights and taking away their own over time. Castle stood in silence in front of his family's grave; especially Maria's. As they walked down the streets of New York, Bendix questioned where they would go, as Castle told her that Curtis Hoyle had a place where they could stay in. Then to get her other hand under his arm. Castle took time to himself to sit alone in Central Park in front of the carousel where his family was massacred, watching the families play and enjoy their time together. Season 2 is hurt by defenders set up, but the first 4 ish episodes with punisher is at the top for the series. Before they left the Photo Studio, Bendix noted that Castle was clearly disappointed that he did not get to kill Clive, which he did not comment on as he prepared to leave. In the confusion of the battle, the Punisher mistook the masked Jack for Russo, as he had then furiously thrown his knife at the mercenary, embedding it into his shoulder which allowed the Punisher to charge forward and engage with his enemy one on one. What really happened to the Castle family that day? ""You know, kid, maybe you were right. You're a goddamn lunatic.Punisher and Dutton. While Castle gently rebuffs her advances, he returned to Micro's Hideout to find that Micro was now extremely drunk. Castle assured her that she did what she had to do to survive because if she did not do that, she was dead. Nelson did know and finally told them that Russo and his crew were planning a bank robbery. Eventually, after a prolonged and brutal battle to the death, Castle remained the last man standing, with dead men covering the floor, his face and once white prison uniform were completely stained with blood. ""That's right. Madani and Page then returned and helped, with Madani knocking O'Rourke out cold. He said thank you, but also apologized for any trauma he had caused to her family. Castle then took a baton and smacked the officers until they were defeated. [11], Okay, one more time. When Netflixs Marvel-verse initially launched in 2015 with Daredevil, the show was treated as something of a standalone story, not unlike how the Marvel Cinematic Universe did with Iron Man, just in case it was a flop. You know, up close, I'd rather have this than any firearm.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, That skull? Eventually, Castle had managed to relax while he was watching their television, as he fell asleep onto the couch, until he was woken back up as soon as Dinah Madani then returned into the Apartment. Which, Castle would knock down Olin who finished with the last hostile and said Bendix that they need to go. Let's dive into his story: Castle arrived with a bang in the very first episode, titled, well, "Bang." In response, Castle did not say a word, since he did not deny that he was involved with another conflict which had become his priority, until Madani then demanded he speak, to which he just advised Madani to get some sleep. That's right. But then, in Episode 7 ("Semper Fidelis"), when Elektra's meddling screwed up Murdock's opening defense statement in Castle's trial, it seemed like their client would stop cooperating. Kept in handcuffs, Castle was brought to speak with them, as Hernandez ordered Castle's handcuffs to get taken off. ""Sometimes.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. [16], It's my fault. Gunner, it's Frank Castle! There's also Frank's war record, which has apparently either been wiped or classified. ""You got the photos and the girl, and he's gonna know what the hell that's about? Castle left the money in his van and attached a bomb to it, which would detonate if anyone attempted to move it. As Punisher inspected the various guns, he looked at the bulletproof vest, noticing that the design on the front resembled a skull. I was a real prick asshole just like you. ""Sometimes kid, you gotta fight. Despite putting up a strong fight and taking down several members of the Irish mob, Castle was eventually stopped by the taser guns being fired at him as he fell to the floor. I think about all that shit you went through, I was one of these kids, I never stopped to think about how lucky I was, you know. Jimmy is a freelance writer out of the Boston area. Schoonover continued to taunt Castle's moniker as the Punisher, and how he had to teach him how to use his first firearm at age eighteen. Pilgrim handed over Bendix. At this time, Micro finished hacking and said Castle to escape. As Castle and Daredevil continued to fight, Samantha Reyes ordered the New York City Police Department to aim their largest lights at the roof to expose Castle and Daredevil while the SWAT teams began shooting at them. Way too much drama, way too much bullshit dressed as 'character development'. He did it another time before the third one finally popped it in. Schoonover mocked the massacre of Castle's wife, son, and daughter and noted that all of that was connected with events in Kandahar. There's a lot more you can do with that much extra time. Pilgrim then ran out of the room. As the enemy ran at him, Castle went through his arsenal of weapons, going from his machine gun to pistol as the battle closed in on him, pinning an enemy to the wall and firing multiple shots into his face before continuing to move forward. Arguably better than season 1. During the standoff with the mercenaries, the Punisher had furiously called out to Billy Russo, who he assumed would come into their ambush personally. A nurse then walked it, but it turned out to be Amy Bendix. On the surface, this is all a pretty straightforward adaptation of the Punisher's comic book origins. !Rory and Punisher. Hoyle had then told Castle that, all those memories he wanted Russo to live with, he had knocked out of his head, with Hoyle claiming that as the result, everybody except Russo had to live with those memories. Marvel's The Punisher, or simply The Punisher, is a television series based on the Marvel Comics vigilante and antihero of the same name. While Hulk's smashing cars and buildings, Punisher gets him into his sights and fires a tracking device at his back. When The Punisher Season 1 picks up, most of the world thinks Frank Castle is very much dead. Castle listened as Quinn told him that her son was the best thing which had ever happen to her, noting that the father was not around, before she questioned if Castle had his family waiting for him, to which he claimed that he would never have gone back with her if there was. As Castle and Russo then discussed how long until they could return home, Castle teased Russo over knowing that he planned on meeting with several women when he got home, as Castle noted that he should instead choose one woman to settle down with, although Russo claimed he was too handsome not to share himself with multiple women. Frustrated that he was not able to locate and kill Russo, the Punisher then overheard the badly wounded Jack attempting to crawl away to safety. Just stay away from me.Punisher to Karen Page. It does, however, provide the Marvel-Netflix corner of the universe with yet another dark and nuanced vigilante. Published Mar 11, 2021. The Marvel Netflix shows inspire me so much on my own content. Once obtained, Castle ignored Micro's suggestion to tip off the authorities or call Hoyle, knowing the latter would try to fix Wilson. Now it's time for the rest of the world to learn that Frank Castle is still out there and still as bloodthirsty as ever. After Billy Russo murdered several prostitutes and framed Castle for the crime, he was in disbelief and shock that he took innocent lives, leading to him losing his drive as the Punisher. [14], An anonymous tip led police to this house in Queens where Castle was fleeing the scene. Lieberman took him into her house to treat his injury and they started to take over their deceased family members. While Cooley was distracted by the disaster, Castle managed to free himself of his restraints with the use of a hidden razor blade that he had previously placed under the skin in his arm and fiercely fought back against the mob. Say it. After gifting him with money, he thanked her by name, which he revealed himself to her. Despite this, Castle has shown the capability to grow emotionally attached to people in his life regardless of his hardened exterior as seen with David Lieberman and Amy Bendix. They had agreed that Konchevsky was likely already dead and Castle was walking into a trap by going to meet with Barrett and Kazan, but Castle insisted that he would go in regardless to get answers, noting that he could turn their situation into his own trap which the Russians would not see coming. Castle then traveled into El Paso, Texas, where he eventually tracked down Cartel Sicario, the final surviving Mexican Cartel member who had believed he had finally escaped from the Punisher's wrath as he had gotten over the border to Jurez. The series is a spin-off of Daredevil. Just you and me, and a bomb.Frank Castle and Lewis Wilson. By all means, enjoy prison.Wilson Fisk to Frank Castle. Bendix asked if she could have one, but Castle refused. ""Loss of curiosity is a loss of humanity, Frank. As the Punisher brutalized the corpses, the mercenaries made it to Micro's computer system as they found footage of William Rawlins torturing Ahmad Zubair playing on a loop. As Castle was questioned by Lance, he was threatened to use his sledgehammer against Lance, daring that if he used it then Lance would be willing to fight him. He remembered his life with Russo and what Russo had said to him after his outburst at William Rawlins in Kandahar. According to him, his parents were too old when they had him and consequently had difficulties to control him. Castle noted how Madani thought that Russo had been putting on an act, which Hoyle disagreed with, noting how Russo had believed that they were still with their United States Armed Forces and that he had spoken about Castle like his brother. Castle then questioned if he was there to kill Russo for her, although Madani had instead asked for the names of anything that might help her to locate Russo, although Castle noted that this conflict would never end. He proceeded to gun down several criminals on the dock who were guarding the ship, before he boarded, and found a significant stash of heroin on board. Believing that he no longer had a war to fight for, Castle then gave up the mantle of the Punisher, symbolically burning his vest since he considering every single person he had killed to avenge the mindless death of his family. One of the greatest things Ive ever done in my life was decide to finally start watching Daredevil (which was actually right after it got cancelled with the other shows) and seeing this scene made me realize just how iconic the show really is and made me appreciate the characters even more. Guys like that, it's never on them! Although most of the hour focused on flashbacks to Murdock's past with Elektra and her arrival in New York City, Castle wasn't far from anyone's thoughts. Micro informed him that his friend died and Castle worried about making good on his promise to Henderson. Madani replied that she left the Homeland Security and joined the CIA which allowed her to use the Agency equipment to track down Castle. However, before the money would be collected from Frank Castle's Van, the bomb which Castle had left exploded, killing Rafe and destroying the cash. The Punisher then gave Schultz a chance to finish things by giving Schultz his gun and a single bullet, before ordering Schultz to shoot himself in the head, or he and Bendix would put the video of his confession online. Despite her wanting to help, Castle refused to talk and told her to leave. However, Russo was altered to this as Carl called out to Madani for help, as Russo spun around and managed to shoot Madani directly in the skull, as her lifeless body dropped to the ground. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. Leaving the scene behind the building, Castle was watched by someone during his escape. Madani found them and gave chase, but Castle blocked her and started to play chicken with her. Doctor Gregory Tepper was called in to discuss the examination of the bodies found at the Massacre at Central Park. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Having finished his last beer, Castle had then collected his jacket and prepared to say goodnight to Quinn and go back to his motel room, explaining that he would be leaving the Tides Motel first thing in the morning, in order to drive to another state, and continue his new life on the road, as Quinn had then questioned if wanted to have another beer, although he insisted that he had enough to drink already. I'm gonna do that to keep her alive, because that's my life. Taking the time to clear his mind, Castle went on a cruise and sat down quietly upon thinking his past. I look for 'em but then I remember. The whole compound went to full alert and Castle and Micro managed to escape.[28]. He told her to stay there while he went and pursued Pilgrim. When asked who else was involved, Castle then named Billy Russo, telling the camera that Russo was a fellow marine who had worked for Rawlins, noting that Madani already knew this. The two of them got home once Bendix calmed down. Castle stopped Rawlins, knocking him on the ground, learning of Russo's betrayal.